École Braemar Elementary
North Vancouver School District
School Fees



During the school year, fees will be requested by Braemar School and Braemar PAC for various activities that you may want your child(ren) to participate in. Please read the consent documents for these activities carefully, to determine who the payment should be made to and the method by which the payment can be made. 


2021-2022 SCHOOL FEES

In accordance with NV School Board Policy 706 School Fees, Elementary School Fees are established each spring for the following school year.  Fees for École Braemar for the 2021-2022 school year are set to recover costs of "consumable" supplies. 

Fees collected cover costs of student agendas, and enrichment learning events and activities (see below for fee breakdown)

$67.95 per child for Kindergarten

$28.25 per child for Grade 1 English

 $34.10 per child for Grade 1 (French Immersion) and 2-7 (English and French Immersion)

*All students in Grade 2-7 are high encouraged to purchase the Braemar school agenda.

École Braemar  fees for 2021-22 are broken down as follows:

Grade Level

Material used in Projects

(used for special take-home projects. Example of materials used for these projects may include clay, fabric, yarn, beads and other craft materials)

Student Agendas

Enrichment Learning Opportunities

(to cover a portion of costs associated with performance groups, workshops, and sport programs such as tennis and or gymnastics etc.)

Field Trips

Field Trip fees vary by trip and are determined at the time of planning.
Total Fees

1 English

*This is a "Kindergarten Consumable Supplies Fee." A district-wide recommended amount for the K Fees is developed in consultation with K teachers and is based upon consistent curricular activities across all K classes. K parents can also use the Kindergarten Supply List (which is uploaded to the school website) and purchase items themselves.

**All fees include processing fee charge**

Please contact the school office if you have questions or need more information.


From this year on, the method of payments will be ONLINE through School Cash online ONLY.

Only one account is needed for the entire family, regardless of which North Vancouver School District school your children attend. You can even pay for multiple items at the same time.

The advantage for families is that students will not have to carry money to school and parents will be able to see at a glance the items they have paid for, as well as be able to print a receipt for any payment.

You will be notified with each field trip/activity if the online payment option is available.

easy picture.jpgFor information on how to set up an account, refer to Online Payment Instructions. Please note that you will need your child's student number in order to set up an account (office staff can provide you with your child/dren number/s)

If you need help setting up your accountKev School Cash Image.jpg, please contact the office at: braemar@sd44.ca



Throughout the school year, the Braemar PAC sponsors a variety of programs for which payments are made to the Braemar PAC itself or third parties like community programs. Please pay close attention to the program information sent to you as to the method of payment you can use, and to whom it is payable.